Hotels and Restaurants
- Wi-Fi infrastructure overhauls
Hotel guests that move with devices like phones, tablets & computers don’t see Wi-Fi as a bonus, but it is a must-have when checking in a hotel.
- Digital conference facilities
Besides offering Wi-Fi for meetings & conferences, hotels also require to offer access to audio-visual & digital amenities for conferences.
- Robots & infrared sensors
Hotels need to offer a more innovative experience, using robots delivering items ordered via room service to guest’s doors.
- Mobile communication & automation
In numerous airports, it is no longer important to stand in a line to check-in & people are expecting technology-driven check-ins.
- NFC technology
This tech is best for self-check-ins by clients at hotels. NFC tech can also be utilized to personalize a guest’s comfort at a resort or hotel.
- Smart Room Keys
Hotels will progressively install smart-room access systems which enable guests to unlock doors by just swiping their mobile phones on a keyless pad at the door.